January 15th, 2009
I wonder if anyone has ever had the pleasure of being your lover.
I wonder if you've ever written a song for somebody.
I wonder if you've ever had a significant other.
I wonder if I put you in a dark room alone with me, you would glow like the star you are.
I wonder if you if you have even the slightest clue.
I wonder if you realize what a catch you are.
I wonder if you will ever make someone yours.
I wonder if you will become famous.
I wonder if you will remember me.
I wonder if you will ever call me by my name.
I wonder if you will give me the chance I so desire.
I wonder if you think me a pest.
I wonder if you reciprocate.
I wonder when I will gather up the courage to tell you.
I wonder when I will write a concerto truly worthy of your name.
I wonder if, just once, I will be able to hold your hands, hands from which flow such ethereal music.
I wonder if I will ever understand you.
I wonder what it would be like to be in your arms.
I wonder if I would let you leave if that is what would make you happy.
So this is what it's like to love.